Install Git On Macos Catalina


Problem: Git vulnerabilities CVE-2016–2324 and 2315 Solution: Update it:). “How to upgrade Git (Mac OSX)” is published by katopz. That is, Mojave, Catalina, or Big Sur. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of macOS. If you experience any issues after upgrading your macOS to version 10.15, you must install the latest version of Docker Desktop to be compatible with this version of macOS. Docker supports Docker Desktop on the most recent versions of macOS.

I first tried to install Mac OS onto a VM back in 2010 or 2011 I think. I’ve come back to the task from time to time and have never been successful, but truthfully until recently all the virtual machines I’ve created on Cinnamon had been too slow to be useful anyway. Now that I have Cinnamon doing virtual machines well, I came back to the Mac – at the same time I was doing other VMs, and I didn’t keep careful track of what I did to get it up. This document is meant to record what I remember of what I did the first time, and then to do it again and keep better records.

First Install: High Sierra

My friend MRF sent me a link to this guy: I cloned his repo to cinnamon. Then used his ./ script to download the BaseSystem.dmg file for High Sierra. I then converted BaseSystem.dmg to BaseSystem.img (not sure which tool I used, probably qemu_img). Then I created a disk mac_hdd_ng.img using qemu-img create. All the files are inside the git directory.

Instructions call for creating a tap0 device on the virbr0. I have such a device, so I guess I did that.

Then instructions offer two options for converting the input xml to a runnable system:

1) run the ./ script; or

2) use macOS-libvirt xml files, with virsh or virtmanager, after editing for file paths.

I think I did the latter.

Fixing the screen resolution

After I had gotten it up (and this was weeks later) I wanted to change the resolution on the screen and make it bigger. I read a page on the guy’s github page which talks about how.

  1. while within the vm, you first have to mount the EFI partition. If not visible use diskutil list to get the physical name of the disk, e.g. disk0s1. Then do sudo diskutil mount disk0s1. Could be more than one EFI – have to find the one which has the folder CLOVER in it.
  2. open the EFI volume, open CLOVER, find config.plist, edit with textedit. Find ScreenResolution and modify it. I originally chose 1920×1200, but that was a mistake. I ended up finally with 1920×1080 – but see below: be careful.
  3. The next step is supposed to be to reboot, catch the startup of clover with ESC, and modify the resolution in a parameter screen. However, that parameter screen MAY NOT HAVE the resolution you chose above – and now you are screwed, because you cannot get back to it, because you need to boot into the VM and the VM has a resolution specified which is unavailable. CATCH 22. I had chosen a resolution of 1920×1200, because I had another VM using that resolution and it was a good fit. But when I booted and got into the parameter screen, that resolution wasn’t available.
  4. I noticed that the parameter screen said something about the list of available resolutions being filtered by the amount of video ram. So I figured out how to change the xml for the VM to specify more vram (have to enable virtmanager options to allow editing xml, because there was not a vram setting among the offered GUI options in virtmanager), and then on the video virtio device, modify the xml to add after the model type: vram=”131072”. This enabled more resolution options, but still no 1920×1200, which was what I had told the config.plist. If the resolution isn’t right the screen is distorted, unreadable garbage, but I thought my best best was to try to match the HxV ratio, so I chose 1440×900 which is the same 1:1.6 ratio as 1920×1200. Sure enough, although the screen was very odd and still quite distorted, I was able to read it, and operate enough to change the EFI/CLOVER/config.plist and change it to 1920×1080, which I had observed was available in the clover parameter screen.
  5. Then reboot, catch the clover boot with ESC and get the parameter screen, and set it to 1920×1080, save, reboot, and it worked: I have a 1920×1080 resolution.

Second Attempt: Catalina

Next I Decided to do the whole installation again, starting with cloning the repo in case there was anything new, and this time I will go for catalina.

Cloned into OSX-KVM2 on cinnamon.

Cinnamon is on 20.04 focal, and has no “python” any longer (you have to specify), so I changed to specify python3.

Chose to download: 19G73 2020-07-15 macOS Catalina


So this time I am putting the img file for the disk into the /virtualdisks directory instead.

I am skipping the setup of tap, as I have done that already.

I edited the file /home/dee/git/OSX-KVM2/macOS-libvirt-Catalina.xml as the instructions said, to change occurrences of CHANGEME/OSX-KVM to dee/git/OSX-KVM2 except I also changed the location of the mac_hdd_ng.img file (the main run time disk) which I had put into /virtualdisks.

Ran the validation and it validates.

Now use virsh to take the xml file and create a specific virtual machine. I’m a little confused by this, but I think that the xml file I have is a template for building machines, and now I am building an actual machine.

After doing this, I couldn’t make virt-manager show the new macOS, and eventually figured out that the xml file has a UUID in it, and the two UUIDs (old macOS high sierra, and new macOS catalina) had the same UUID. Applied horrible kludge of just changing one digit it the new UUID. Restarted libvirtd and it appears.

As a side note, I don’t quite get how this UUID is supposed to work. It seems to be hard coded by the original dev guy whose repo I’m cloning, so it is hardly “universally unique”. It obviously isn’t even unique from one installation to another.

After a lot of messing around, I never managed to get it to work. After a certain period I figured I had modified so many things that I should just start over fresh.

Second try at Catalina

This time I will be following instructions more closely, not doing so much deviation. Note that now I am installing into OSX-KVM3 on my /home/dee/git.

At this point the current instructions offer an option: either use their script, which internally does a call to qemu-system-x86_64 to set up the machine, OR use their provided xml file macOS-libvirt-Catalina.xml, after first changing some strings inside it, and giving that to virsh or virtmanager.

Install Git On Mac Os Catalina Download

From doing it before, I know that if I use the libvirt-Catalina.xml that it has a hard coded uuid in it, which conflicts with the existing macos VM I have, which is high-sierra.

Furthermore, the boot script method is listed as “primary”, and it points for further information to an earlier readme file where the virsh/virtmanager method appears to be deprecated. Plus, when I had trouble last time, I was using the virsh method, so this time I’m inclined to try the script.

On the other hand, as I look at the script, which is quite simple, it appears to me that it is going to fail right away: the qemu-system-x86_64 call has a reference to a disk: “-drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=$OVMF/OVMF_VARS-1024×768.fd ” and the variable $OVMF is set to “./backup” and that file OVMF_VARS-1024×768.fd is present, but not in the ./backup directory. So I am going to copy the file into ./backup.

When I ran it, I get the error:

I compared the scripts “MY_OPTIONS” which are supposed to list cpu options (and which one is invited to tweak if necessary), with the /proc/cpuinfo of my cpu. I found that among the couple of options in the former that were not in the latter, one was “pcid”, so I removed that from MY_OPTIONS, which fixed that problem.

Now I was getting an error that says:

I am sure this is probably very easy to fix if one knows a little more, but I wasn’t able to figure out what to do. I was also having issues with whether the tap device should or should not be initialized when the script ran. So eventually, I decided to go back to the other way, and try to define with virsh/virtmanager.

Initially, that didn’t work either. I got it to boot into some early state (similar to what I get with Clover on High Sierra). On this screen it was offering Shutdown, an EFI shell, and Reset NVRAM, but the option to boot into the OS doesn’t seem to be there. I messed around a little with the settings, looking for something that could be wrong.

Among the things I did – which might be important later, has to do with the nvram. There seemed to be two files OVMF_VARS.fd and OVMF_VARS_1024x768.fd. It initially was pointing to the latter, and I changed it to point to the former. That sounds like it has something to do with resolution, and interestingly when I eventually got this up it did not require that I change the screen resolution – it came up in a usable resoltion – looks like 1920×1080 but I’m not sure.

Back to the boot disks: Since I couldn’t figure out what was wrong, I compared the XML to the working XML of the High Sierra one, and the Catalina one didn’t seem to have the BaseSystem.img disk defined. I also compared the “source” xml files, and the BaseSystem.img disk is defined in the High Sierra source xml, but not in the Catalina source xml. So I copied that section of xml into the (target/final) Catalina xml, adjusting the path. Also the boot order seemed wrong, or at least different from the High Sierra xml, and I fixed that too. I didn’t make the changes in the source xml, maybe I should have done.

When it booted, now the loader offered the option to boot into the MacOS base system. When I did it I got the right action – the Apple, the progress bar, all that, but then it went into Recovery, and offered the normal Option-R type options. I chose Reinstall Catalina. But it claimed to have no disk to install on – it said that the macOS Base System disk, which it could see, was “locked”. To be sure that the BaseSystem.img wasn’t corrupt I copied the BaseSystem.dmg to where it was visible by carraway, and opened it, and it opens fine. Then I realized that BaseSystem.img aka BaseSystem.dmg is intended to be “the DVD” – of course it isn’t going to install there. Where is the main disk?

I booted back into it again, and this time, instead of doing the (re-)install, I ran disk utility. I found three disks, figured out that one was the flash, one was the BaseSystem.img which is the “installer disk”, and the third was the big one, which was “uninitialized”, so I told disk utility to erase it, it put a partition table on, formatted it as HFS journaled. Then I exited disk utility and bingo, I could do an install of Catalina on the new disk. Which I did.

Installation took a long time. Then it rebooted. I have Catalina.

Edit: Please note there is a newer version of this guide here:

Having recently started afresh on macOS, I thought I’d make some notes on setting up a new dev environment. In this post we’ll set up a fresh dev environment for Ruby and Elixir – but you can use this guide for any similar web development set-up since the version manager we’ll be using (asdf) can be used for lots and lots and lots of different languages.

If you don’t need Ruby or Elixir, you can just omit those steps. We’ll also add a few other common web development tools or packages. In short, we’ll be covering installation of:

  • Xcode
  • Command line tools
  • Homebrew
  • ImageMagic
  • Git
  • Postgres
  • TextMate
  • MacVim
  • Asdf
  • Ruby
  • Rubygems
  • Rails
  • Erlang
  • Elixir
  • Hex
  • Phoenix


Simply download and install Xcode from the App store.

Command Line Tools

Once Xcode has installed, open it, then go to preferences > downloads, and install command line tools. Or alternatively, enter this in terminal:


In the terminal copy and paste the following:

ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL'

In your .zshrc file add:

#Homebrew Completions
if type brew &>/dev/null; then
FPATH=$(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions:$FPATH

Let’s get brewing – and install Postgres, ImageMagick and git

Let’s update Homebrew first:



Then to start Postgres and on startup, run:

Then create your initial db:


That will create your Postgres user (use CTRL Z to exit).

Git and ImageMagick

Install Git On Macos Catalina

Then in terminal:

git config --global 'Your Name'
git config --global ''

Installing asdf

In terminal, type:

Then in terminal run:

echo -e 'n. $(brew --prefix asdf)/' >> ~/.zshrc

This will add the following to the bottom of your ~/.zshrc file:

Installing asdf plugin dependencies

In terminal:

brew install
coreutils automake autoconf openssl
libyaml readline libxslt libtool unixodbc
unzip curl

If you need to upgrade asdf, use brew upgrade asdf.

How to remove asdf

If you ever need to remove asdf, you can do so pretty easily:

  • In your .zshrc remove the line that was added on installation:. /usr/local/opt/asdf/
  • Run rm -rf ~/.asdf/ ~/.tool-versions to completely remove all the asdf files from your system.
  • In terminal: brew uninstall --force asdf

Installing Ruby

Skip if you don’t need Ruby and Rails…

In terminal:

To see which versions are available:

Then install the versions you want with the following, just replace 2.6.5 with the version you need:

Then set your preferred defaults with:

And to use a specific version in any particular directory:

To add new Rubies:

Or simply:

Rubygems and Rails

Open a fresh terminal window and:

For Rails:

Restart terminal and check your versions by:

Installing Elixir & Erlang

Skip if you don’t need Elixir and Phoenix

In terminal:

Install Git On Mac Os Catalina Free

To see which versions are available:

Then install the versions you want with the following, just replace version numbers with whichever versions you need:

asdf install erlang 22.2.3
asdf global erlang 22.2.3
asdf install elixir 1.9.4-otp-22
asdf global elixir 1.9.4-otp-22

And to use a specific version in any particular directory:

Installing Hex and Phoenix

Phoenix uses which relies on npm, the Node.js package manager, so lets install that as well via asdf:

asdf plugin-add nodejs
brew install gpg
bash ~/.asdf/plugins/nodejs/bin/import-release-team-keyring
asdf install nodejs 13.7.0
asdf global nodejs 13.7.0

To install Phoenix:

Finally, check your versions by:

Doesn’t that feel good? Now you can install your favourite code editors!

Code Editors

I’m going to install two here, TextMate and MacVim 😀

Install Git On Mac Os Catalina Os

TextMate 2

Install Git Osx Catalina

Download from here:

Download my Elixify theme and follow the instructions from here (but you just need to double click on the TextMate 2 theme called Elixify.tmbundle)

Install Elixir Bundle:

mkdir -p ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy/Bundles
cd ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy/Bundles
git clone git:// Elixir.tmbundle


Next you’ll want to use Janus, which can be installed by running this in terminal:

In it paste:

color elixify
set guifont=Monaco:h12
let g:NERDTreeWinPos = 'right'
set guioptions-=T ' Removes top toolbar
set guioptions-=r ' Removes right hand scroll bar
set go-=L ' Removes left hand scroll bar
autocmd User Rails let b:surround_{char2nr('-')} = '<% r %>' ' displays <% %> correctly
:set cpoptions+=$ ' puts a $ marker for the end of words/lines in cw/c$ commands

Install Git On Mac Os Catalina Update

Then in terminal, to give it some breathing space at the top do:

Install Git On Catalina

To install the Elixify theme download from here and follow the instructions for MacVim.

mkdir ~/.vim/colors
cd ~/.vim/colors
mvim Elixify.vim

That’s it – you now have a fully working dev environment for Ruby, Elixir, Erlang, Node and any other language you want to add via the numerous supported by asdf… which I am really loving btw!!